Keep your documents for the long term

Our scanning services offer great benefits while your documents confidentiality and integrity are guaranteed

  • Save Space Paper documents are essential to any business, but they take a lot of space, and as everyone knows, space is money. A better solution does exist!Store-All can scan your documents. We can deliver your electronic files on a media format of your choice.Once your paper documents are scanned, you can store them in our secure warehouses or we can destroy them with our shredding service.
  • Save Time Don’t waste your time searching for that archiving box anymore. Scan your archives and access them quickly with a simple click.Furthermore, by scanning your archives in a PDF/A-1b format you can search within your documents for specific keywords.With our scanning service, all your valuable information is only a click away!
  • Free up your Staff Store-All has the expertise and the right tools to securely and quickly scan a large amount of documents. Your staff could take weeks to properly scan and index your archives, while it will take our experts a fraction of the time to accomplish the task.
  • Keep your documents for the long term Store-All prevents your archives from being tampered with, repairing any corruption and keeping everything safe for however long you need, whether it be days or decades. However much data you wish to keep, we can accommodate you and your growing business.